Sunday, September 03, 2006

Went to fruits/vegtable picking

Today was so busy today (Sept. 3, 2006). We went to Weed Orchards at Marlboro, NY. We picked out some peaches, nectarines, pears, cumumbers, peppers, tomatoes, melon, gala which is differnet kind of apples, italian pulms, eggplants, and squash. we were planning to get grapes but it s not ready yet, and pupkim, different kinds apples. it s really nice. I will post it in under my pictres to show. It s about one hour north from where we live. But it s about twenty mintues away from woodbury commons.

Next month, we will take to apples picking near my home which it s about five mintues away form my home. It will be fun! We love it! We went to Davis Farms, I think it s spell right. We went there last year. Tristan had a great time there. He grab the apple from the tree. We had to hold him. So, he can pick the apple out from the tree. Then he ate the apple! YUMMY! He loves it

Tristan have some nectaines and peaches!! Look DADDY, I am carrying them!

So, he did again at Weed Orchards. He picked nectarines from the tree. He took a bite of it! He still keep eatting. He loves it! YUMMY!


Yay, I got the help from Daddy!! It s fun!!

Mommy and my little ones!! How beauitful!!

Anthony and Daddy!! LOVELY! U can see in the car that we have alot of fruits and vegtables. YUMMY!

Look the view behind us!! How beauitful it is!! You can see pumpkins and pears and apples trees as well! LOVELY VIEW!

It s time to go home!

After we left from Wedd Orachards, we went thurway. GOSH!! It s took forever! I mean, we were in bumper to bumper! WOW so many cars waiting and go, waiting, and go. One of the exit to Woodbury, was so packed!!!!! We were thinking to take that exit 'cuz we were afraid of the trafffic toward to our home NYC/Tappen Zee Bridge. We were waiting almost a hour stuck in the traffic. After we saw the exit 16 for Woodbury. There is no more trafffic!! YAY!! Finally the cars gotta to moving. In twenty mintues later, we were home and safe! We had a good time and good experience too.

Can't wait for next month!! hahaha :)