Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Anthony started to learn how to crawal. He started about two weeks ago. Now he is pro! He s funny how he crawal. He used his hand to reach out to push it and come forward. His legs... umm.. how can i describe it? His legs, he did like crossing his legs and reach out and using his belly to move forward. Sometime he does that. Sometime he use his legs like one leg to move and other leg to move as back and forth. Also, he did miltary crawal too. Gosh it s so sweet how he does it!

When Anthony is upset or crying when i was standing up. I was lke what s wrong, Anthony. He would crawaling up to me and tried to reach up my capri pant and tag on it. So, i can put him up. Other time, i would not too far from him. He would crawal to me. And the same with Dan's too. Even time, Dan said,come on come on Anthony. Anthony would crawaling to him.

It s so exciting new for him.

Today, Anthony is so funny. Trsistan took the couch cushion and tried to jump on teh couch. I tld him no jumping. I afraid that he would fall to get hurt. So he put cushion on the floor and jumps on it. We were listening to the music and enjoy it. Anthoy like it and smiling too. He s crawaling to the cushion. HE WANNA TO GET ON IT!! OF COOURSE JUST LKE HIS BROTHER, TRISTAN!! He s so funny! He wanna do just like his brother.

Also, Anthony trying to reach out for the coffee table. He straning himself to stand up. He wanna to stand up. I guess he wanan to catch up everything with his brother!

Today was a mess! I mean MESS! Tristan keep bringing his toys into the living room and play with it. Everytime we cleaned it up, he messed it again. BOY BOY BOY!! He loves to watch The wiggles, ELMO, blue's clue! Today we did arts crafs. We did some painting. He had fun with it. We will prop. will do it again tomrrow.

Anthoy stil have his two teeth. He have been fussy lately. And his food i forget what is called, is reducing to due to teething. And plus his bottles too. he loves water. thats good. the doc said, he s healthy. Soon i will call the doc for Athony's check up.

Here are some pictures

Look at me MAMA!! I can do it!!


How cute I look!!

Look at me! I loves to clean!! I loves to help Mama to clean! I am Mr. Clean Junior!! Mama's Mrs. Clean! (giggling)