Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Listening to Anthony's toy while he s playing

Right now, it s little after 7:30 p.m. Anthony is in his play pen. He s playing with the toy phone with the music. He seems to be ineresting and listening to musics. And plus, he s standing up and down up and down.

Tristan is in bed now. He had a big day today. Went to school today. He did pretty well today in school and this morning too. I put him in the bus today. He didnt cry. He did pretty well. I am so happy for him! He had good day. I mean, a better day than last week. The teacher wrote in a memo book to see how is Tristan doing and etc. He s doing well, He is talking and playing the toys. And funny that he s play with the baby doll. I think he s trying to take care of Anthony, his little brother. Who knows. In the book said, that Tristan fed the baby and put the baby in the highchair and played with kitchen food. OF course, loves to make sounds of cars. BRRR!!! VROOOOM!!

Went outside for a while to get fresh air and let Tristan to play. He loves to be outside and enjoy the view. I am teaching him tree and what is sign for tree... and leaves too. He s learning so much. Yay for Tristan!!

Anthony just have one of his teeth popped out. Just a little bit that his teeth is showing. It can be any soon that he will be showing his beauitful pearly white teeth!! hahahaah AND HOPEFULLLY HE WILL BE NOT FUSSY WITH IT!! So, we will see then.

Oh yeah, last friday, I had an emotional morning for me. Tristan had a fist and crying that he didnt wanna to go to bus. Of course that s normal for all the kids. Me and Dan tried to put Tirstan's clothes on and shoes. He was crying and crying. It s make me heartbreaking to see him like that. Plus, I dont wanted him to see me crying. I had to run to the bathroom to wash with cold water on my face to make me calm down.

When I went outside with the boys while we were waiting for bus to comes. I couldnt hold it in. Tristan still being upset to go on. I had to go inside with Anthony. I fed Anthony... he was sleeping for a bit. I made myself to calm down to tell myself it s okay. Tristan is doing good. I m proud of him. Dan told me yes, tristan cried. but he s good. of course! :) After they left, I took a 40 mintues walk around the neighborhood with Anthony in his stroller. It's really nice walk to see beautiful view and houses too. Some houses are okay, some are balh! some are good. I feels better. I am glad! Of course every mothers go through emotional stage to see their child/children go to school or whatever they do. Just so proud of my sons. :)

We went to a birthday party for my cousin's daugther. We had a good time there. I took a lot of pictures. I will post it later with explaintion what s happening at the party. We had a busy birthday party on that day!!

I am hearing Anthony talkin'!!!! He keep saying, mamam mamama, ai ai ai ai ay ay ay. he know how to click by using his touge. how cute is that. He loves to do that!

Alright its tuesday nite! I am goin' to watch HOUSE on channel fox!