Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Anthony is taking his nap now.

Anthony is taking his nap right now. He have been sleeping since 9 already! I know soon he will be up. Anthony is doing good. He wake up in the middle of the night, playin' with his hands and banging on the wall too! He s crawling up to the wall to bang it. He s silly! I told him what are you doing? Get back to sleep! I knwo he wont able to do that. He have been doin that so lately!!! I had to take him out the bedroom to go to the living room. I sat on the relince chair to rock him to get him to sleep or getting sleepy. Anthony Anthony. I loves you!

He got up so early this morning. Wondering why! I think it s could be his teething. Yesterday, I saw one of his teeth is coming out! I saw one teeth coming out. SOON ANTHON SOON!!

Oh yeah, We went a birthday party recently Saturday for my cousin Amelia's. Now she is two years old. When we got there. She s kinda shy. WE had to keep her company and play with her to make her feel comfortable with us. She got already hook with us! We played with each and have fun with Tristan, Sophia. here is the picture

We went to the party We had alot of fun there. BOY We had to watch many kids. They had so much fun and running around. They did enjoy themselves. I am glad.

I gotta go now. Anthony s up. Enjoy the picutes!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Listening to Anthony's toy while he s playing

Right now, it s little after 7:30 p.m. Anthony is in his play pen. He s playing with the toy phone with the music. He seems to be ineresting and listening to musics. And plus, he s standing up and down up and down.

Tristan is in bed now. He had a big day today. Went to school today. He did pretty well today in school and this morning too. I put him in the bus today. He didnt cry. He did pretty well. I am so happy for him! He had good day. I mean, a better day than last week. The teacher wrote in a memo book to see how is Tristan doing and etc. He s doing well, He is talking and playing the toys. And funny that he s play with the baby doll. I think he s trying to take care of Anthony, his little brother. Who knows. In the book said, that Tristan fed the baby and put the baby in the highchair and played with kitchen food. OF course, loves to make sounds of cars. BRRR!!! VROOOOM!!

Went outside for a while to get fresh air and let Tristan to play. He loves to be outside and enjoy the view. I am teaching him tree and what is sign for tree... and leaves too. He s learning so much. Yay for Tristan!!

Anthony just have one of his teeth popped out. Just a little bit that his teeth is showing. It can be any soon that he will be showing his beauitful pearly white teeth!! hahahaah AND HOPEFULLLY HE WILL BE NOT FUSSY WITH IT!! So, we will see then.

Oh yeah, last friday, I had an emotional morning for me. Tristan had a fist and crying that he didnt wanna to go to bus. Of course that s normal for all the kids. Me and Dan tried to put Tirstan's clothes on and shoes. He was crying and crying. It s make me heartbreaking to see him like that. Plus, I dont wanted him to see me crying. I had to run to the bathroom to wash with cold water on my face to make me calm down.

When I went outside with the boys while we were waiting for bus to comes. I couldnt hold it in. Tristan still being upset to go on. I had to go inside with Anthony. I fed Anthony... he was sleeping for a bit. I made myself to calm down to tell myself it s okay. Tristan is doing good. I m proud of him. Dan told me yes, tristan cried. but he s good. of course! :) After they left, I took a 40 mintues walk around the neighborhood with Anthony in his stroller. It's really nice walk to see beautiful view and houses too. Some houses are okay, some are balh! some are good. I feels better. I am glad! Of course every mothers go through emotional stage to see their child/children go to school or whatever they do. Just so proud of my sons. :)

We went to a birthday party for my cousin's daugther. We had a good time there. I took a lot of pictures. I will post it later with explaintion what s happening at the party. We had a busy birthday party on that day!!

I am hearing Anthony talkin'!!!! He keep saying, mamam mamama, ai ai ai ai ay ay ay. he know how to click by using his touge. how cute is that. He loves to do that!

Alright its tuesday nite! I am goin' to watch HOUSE on channel fox!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Anthony's check-up!

Two days ago, Anthony had his check-up! He's doing so well with his check-up. He weights 25.5 and 29.5 inches long! UNBELIEVEABLE!! BIG BABY!! OF COURSE HE IS! He s getting so heavy! I LOVES HIM! MWAH to Anthony. The doctor told me that he will be wearing 18 months or 2 years old clothes. I told him that he already wearing 18 months clothes. While the doc checking him out.I knew that Anthony will have few teeth on the top gum. i can see it. No wonder, he was getting fussy. And still is! The doctor told me that he will have four teeth coming out soon at the same time! I was right!
He got two shots. He did cried alittle but he was very good.

Later we were at home. Anthony was getting so fussy.And his leg got sore. I gave him mortion. He s doing okay. :)

Right now it s 9:12am, IT S TOOOOOOOOOOO QUIET HERE!! I have my tv on! But it s not same with Tristan here! I miss him already! Anthony is playing with the ball on the floor. He is having fun. he is crawling all over the floor to following the ball and try to get it too.

Yesterday, Anthony rather to stand up all the time. He have been standing up too much!. He is having so much fun. He climbed on the couch to make him stand up.and Go to cofffee table to reach to hold on and he can stand up to balance him himself. He s doing so well with it. But still i am kinda nervous about it not to get hurt. I dont wanna him to get hurt by fall on the floor or hit on the edge of the coffee table. Two weeks ago, he got hurt. he was crawling to the coffee table. under the coffee table, there were papers/magiznes. He love it. he s paper freak! But he fell and hit on the coffee table He got black and blue! i was running to get him but it was too late! I felt so bad.

I think about Three weeks, we went to the birthday party for one years old birthday girl form dan's co-worker. It was fun! tristan had a lot of fun there . he go on slide... swing.. They have play set thing. I forge what is called. it s nice! They have pony ride. Tristan dont wanan to get on. he is afraid of it. Funny that we have hourse here that have rocking horse. he have blast with it! But real one!?! But Tristan pat the pony. He s good with it. Anthony wanan to go on! he had fun with it!! I didnt have my camera with me! I should have! But i will ask dan's co-worker to have few pictures of my boys. He took some pictures. We will see. Thats day we had birthday party was in the afternoon. earlier that day, we went to West Nyack pool for chris's volunteer fire house at West Nyack Fire department. They had a party there. They had alot of food.Humburgers/hot dog... shrimps... calms! Mussels!! OH MY GOSH! SO MANY!! Later that day, Chris told me not that many peeps came. :( They were hoping that peeps will come and eat the food!!! They had so many!! They threw so many food. And they said, we re not doing it again next year. I was like yeah right. they will. but hopefully, smaller food than ordering toooo many. They should order lesss but not too many. But we will see then. The boys had a great time that day, Went on the swing, walked around the park there.... wentot the kiddie pool! it was fun!! Wish that I took pictures that day! GEEZE to me! tsk tsk to me! hahaha

Alright let me go now. Anthony is crawling all over the place. Whiel i am typing i was watching him at the same time, to make sure he is not getting hurt.

have fun whatever u do! But be safe!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First Day of School for Tristan

Today was first day of school for Tristan. Yes, I was so nervous!! I was so nervous about Tristan getting on the bus. It s not that easy for me. We wake up and fed our boys. Washed Tristan's and Anthony's faces/hands to be clean. Put them clean clothes on. Then i got dressed. I was getting ready for Tristan thing to bring to school. I dont wanna to give Tristan to carry all the stuffs. I know there is assitant in the bus to help. But it won't be fair to me. Plus, I wanna to meet the teachers too.

I have all the stuffs ready for Tristan's. We were outside waiting for the bus! We waited, and waited. We were outside since 8:10 am until five mintunes before 9. Of course, that s normal for all the buses go through this on the first day or frist week to go to the school.

Here is the pictures of Tristan.

Here I am, Mommy!! Waitin', waitin' and waiting for the bus to come! While I was waiting for the bus, I was running around. walking around the cars in the driveway! It was fun!

Mommy and Tristan

Family picture together! Beauitful Family!

Dan and my mom were here this morning to help out with Tristan to get on the bus. Dan will take me to school so, i can talk and bring the stuff to school after Tristan will gets on the bus. Then,my mom will go straight to work after Tristan will gets on the bus.

Finally, the bus arrived around ten mintues before 9 am, we had a hard time to put Tristan to get in the bus. Before going on the bus, I already talked to him about school bus and show him pictures of it. I went to library few time to get books for Tristan to get the idea about school, and school bus. We have been input on him to get pictures. He know how to say 'bus' 'yellow', 'yellow bus'. Also, Tristan's speech teacher also input him too, to get idea for him to understand what is happpening.
We told him, you re going to school. Of course, he dont understand what is it mean until really happening.

The school bus for Tristan, is a min-bus. they have a driver and an assitant driver helper to watch the little children in the bus. She had a hard time to put Tristan in. Of course he is a tough guy and very very strong. I repeat STRONG!! I got in to help her out. I tried my best to get him in the car seat. But he pushed pushed and wiggled him out of the car seat. Then my mom helped me out to put Tristan in. It s doesnt work. Then Dan got in to help out. Finally, Tristan got in the car seat. Of cousre, he cried. It s make me so heart-breaking to go through this. It s not easy. I have water in my eyes now. But I am okay. I am glad he got through this in the bus this morning. Thats most concered about that part.

I waved at Tristan, i will see you soon!! Have fun! Dan asked me if i am okay. He know it s sad part to do. Of course it s our baby. It will be good for him. I really wanted him to go because of social lack. There is no one in his age to hang out or to play with here. Expect Anthony! He s very smart. He s doing well with his education.

We went to school. I dropped off some things for him, like diapers, wipes, his hearing aids and micscrope for his hearing aids and of course extra clothes just in case of the accident. And sippy cup. I brought some informations that they wanted me to signs and gave them picture. I made some pictures in one paper which I called it, Family college. That s way, he can look at it. And talks about it. Or if he gets upset, wanan mommie or daddy. The teacher can show him the picture to calm him out.

I met the teachers. They have three assistant there. Tristan was not there yet. He was stil on the bus. I explained about the hearing aids. They know what to do. I am glad. There were some kids about i would say 5 kids in there now. One of them was crying. Oh boy. I felt so bad. But it will be fun for all of them! Plus, it will be long day for the teachers too. I left the building. The bus that Tristan was in, He saw us. We waved at him and asked question, where is bus? he pointed at the bus. 'where is tristan' he pointed myself. We signed it to him. He is so smart boy. We saw the person took Tristan out to get into the building. Dan told me that he saw Tristan asked, Mommy. then went into the buliding. I saw that part walking into the buliding. Not the part he say, mommy.

After Dan took me and Anthony home. Dan have to go to work. I was cleaned up a little bit around the house and put Anthony to sleep. It was toooooooo quiet. too quiet! I miss Tristan already. I miss the noise that Tristan making, playing his toys, watching tv with him and sing a long too. It was time for me to go oustide. I was outside around 11 40. The school suppoused to finish at 11 30. I was waiting, waiting and waiting. Dan came home for lunch break. He told me that he got a phone call, to inform him about Tristan. The bus came late. And finally the bus arrived at the school to picked up the children. Other new that the teacher told Dan that Tristan got hurt. He tipped over the bike-car toy. He got a small strach on his neck by the pedal. And she washed it with soap and water and putted banage on it.

We were waiting and waiting for Tristan to come home! Finally, he came home around 1 in the afternoon! I think it s pretty late for that. We will see how it s go this week and etc. of course it s first day and first week of school. Dan went back to work. i fed Tristan. He s seem to be overwhelemd and so quiet too! But happy to be home.

Here is the picture of him eatting ice cream. he s happy to have ice cream! yummy!

My dad came home early. He had a meeting for his work. We went out to Costco. Grandpa gave Tristan some ice cream from costco! AGAIN with the ice cream! hahaha He loves it. We came home. I had to take Tristan's bangage out to get the air circultion. OH MY GOSH!!!! I felt so bad! I had to take it out slowly! HOW STUIPD!! I mean the teacher put bangage on the stracth. And it s was long!! She should put over the cut. NOT ON The strip of startch. Thats painful for Tristan to take the bandage out. Its pretty long. But not small. I felt so bad about that. The teacher told dan/my mom on the phone what s happen with him. Tristan was on the car ride toy. He tipped over and he got stratch by the pedal.

He was pretty overwhelmed and had a long day for him. Gave him a bath and played a little bit. I took Anthony to bath, and fed him a bottle to get him sleep. Finally he did! WHEW! he is sentivate guy! I took Tristan to rockin him and watch tv a little. he fell asleep. He had A LONG DAY! Tomrrow it will be too!

WOW, I typed a long describe whats happening today! Of course that s what Mothers would do on their child/children on their first day or anything.

Gotta go now. Anthony is up and going to get him back to sleep. Good nite!! Hugs Hugs!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Went to fruits/vegtable picking

Today was so busy today (Sept. 3, 2006). We went to Weed Orchards at Marlboro, NY. We picked out some peaches, nectarines, pears, cumumbers, peppers, tomatoes, melon, gala which is differnet kind of apples, italian pulms, eggplants, and squash. we were planning to get grapes but it s not ready yet, and pupkim, different kinds apples. it s really nice. I will post it in under my pictres to show. It s about one hour north from where we live. But it s about twenty mintues away from woodbury commons.

Next month, we will take to apples picking near my home which it s about five mintues away form my home. It will be fun! We love it! We went to Davis Farms, I think it s spell right. We went there last year. Tristan had a great time there. He grab the apple from the tree. We had to hold him. So, he can pick the apple out from the tree. Then he ate the apple! YUMMY! He loves it

Tristan have some nectaines and peaches!! Look DADDY, I am carrying them!

So, he did again at Weed Orchards. He picked nectarines from the tree. He took a bite of it! He still keep eatting. He loves it! YUMMY!


Yay, I got the help from Daddy!! It s fun!!

Mommy and my little ones!! How beauitful!!

Anthony and Daddy!! LOVELY! U can see in the car that we have alot of fruits and vegtables. YUMMY!

Look the view behind us!! How beauitful it is!! You can see pumpkins and pears and apples trees as well! LOVELY VIEW!

It s time to go home!

After we left from Wedd Orachards, we went thurway. GOSH!! It s took forever! I mean, we were in bumper to bumper! WOW so many cars waiting and go, waiting, and go. One of the exit to Woodbury, was so packed!!!!! We were thinking to take that exit 'cuz we were afraid of the trafffic toward to our home NYC/Tappen Zee Bridge. We were waiting almost a hour stuck in the traffic. After we saw the exit 16 for Woodbury. There is no more trafffic!! YAY!! Finally the cars gotta to moving. In twenty mintues later, we were home and safe! We had a good time and good experience too.

Can't wait for next month!! hahaha :)