Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A week later

Now I am back, to type up. Now it s a week later. Tristan have been feeling a lot better now. He had fever for three to four days. He have been taking nap - a long nap than I would expect for him to take. He normally don't take nap. His lip is getting better. Yet, it s dry and cracked on his lip. I tried to put lip moisture on it to keep it moist than being dry on his lip. He haven't eat as much in few days. Last week, he was complaining about his mouth. It s hurts him when he was eating chicken nuggets with ketchup. He really wanted it. Me and Dan tried to tell him because its acid on in it. it s hard to explained for him. I told him just drink your water/juice to help to calm down. Over the weekend, he is more back to himself. He can eats some than being complaining about his mouth hurts. I am glad that he's all better. Now, his fingers is peeling. I was like, oh no. I asked my mom about it why? It s all relate to Scarlet fever. CRAZY VIRUS! We are so grateful that Tristan is all better.

We were worrying about Anthony's. We tried our best as we can to keep his hands clean... don't touch your brother, Tristan.. and on and on. About on thursday, Anthony have a cold. Just running nose. THen on saturday, he was kinda worse. We had to take to him to doctor to be check up. Sure enough, he needed to be cultured for strep throat. And gave him a mediciation to fight his nasty cold. On sunday, I called the doctor to make sure, if Anthony have strep or not. Its negative! I am happy that Anthony don't have it. But gotta to give him medicence to get him better.

Its not only Anthony. I am sick too. Anthony and I have a same thing. IT s nasty cold virus with headaches and sinus pressure. Hopefully, it will get better this week. I am sure it will be.

Tristan went back to school yesterday. He seems to be good and happy to see everyone. :) Tristan had no school last week to due to president week which it's good new. I don't like to take Tristan out of school many times. Yes, he s young preschooler. I am so nervous and exciting about Tristan's attending to Kindergarten!

Few weeks ago, Me and the kids went to Elementary school to meet principal and kindergarten teacher. My mom came with me to interpreted for me. She tried her best to sign. Not as expert to sign. But I can understand her gesture and her talk and her lipreading at the same time. Tristan was kinda exciting to go to "big school" that's what he calls it. We have been talking about it once a while. I know it will help him to have an idea about it. And showing him the pictures about school. We have been going to library like twice a week to get some books/movies. He understands the concept of it.

Back to the point, we were visiting the school. The principal and teacher wanted to meet Tristan and us too to get know about Tristan's. They are so friendly. Tristan was very shy. Anthony just out speaking when they asked questions to Tristan's. Tristan would just stared at him and nodded or not move. Anthony would reply some of his questions. It s so funny how Anthony would stand up for his big brother. Normally , Big brothers would stand up for their younger. Of course it will take time for Tristan's courage.

We have met school nurse and speech teacher. They are very very friendly and very understanding. Its nice school. So, we will see from there. :)

It s time for me to get to bed now. Nite nite. hugs