Monday, February 16, 2009

Jan 2009

Wow, the time have gone so fast.

Well, the good new that I got a new hearing aid in the end of Dec 30th. It was okay experience for me. I had to go back to audiology to re set the program to get the right setting to hear better.

it s pretty loud. the boys teasing me when they talks they were screaming... i had to tell them to calm down. They knew from that moment. And they teasing me again with their loud voices.

I noticed that this hearing aids that I am wearing now, is not the best one. I likes the previous hearing aid, which they don't make it anymore. Sad, huh?

Something that I have to deal with it. And we will see from there.

Well let's see in Jan. Well it s had been snowing on and off. The boys really enjoyed the snow very much. I tried my best to keep them warm. It had been crazy outside. The temp have been dropped to under 20's degrees. It's so freezing. We had to keep us warm and eats warm/hot food. I don't like it, because, it s too cold... its too much work and hurt my hands badly. My hands have been dry lately. I have been putting lotions a lot to keep it moist. Its driving me crazy! Hurry up, no more cold weather. I am waiting for spring to come out. SO we can play outside, go to playground, and have picnic and take a walk too.

So, we will see.