Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Not bad weather outside

Today is so beauitful. Yet, cold. It seems to be warming up which it in 40s degree. I am hoping the weather will be warmer. So, we don't have to wear coats.

While Tristan in school, I lets Anthony to go play outside to enjoy the fresh air. He had some blast playing his bike... playing with the dirt and shoveling the dirt too. I let him play for an hour before I can pick up Tristan from his preschool.

When we came home, we played again outside for more then an hour. They had a blast until I had to tell them time to go inside. I cant bear with cold weather. My hands turns numb. It took me a while to tell the boys time to go inside. Mama is cold!!! Finally we all went inside to keep us warm!

I am glad there is no more snow on the ground. I just hoping the weather will be warminig up. I am sure, it will be. :)

I have been reading Karen Kingsbury books lately. I love it. Its help me to understand more clearly. Also, I wanted to learn about God's and his love. I am still learning about him. I wanted to understand more clearly about him. so, I can explain to my kids too. Of course, we have talk about it. But not in depth yet. We are planning to buy our kids' children bible book. We have one a big children book. I think we should get a smaller one for them to be easier to carry around. I will check it out at Walmart then.

Of course, I wanted to help myself to be good mother, good wife, good friend, good daugter, and good sister too. I am sure everyone feels that way as well. I just wanted to find a scripture to help me to be good person. Yes, I know I am good better, I do feels that I wanted something more than that. I guess I have to look up in bible to see myself more.

I should take a look soon. Alright let me go now. it s getting late now. nite nite.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A week later

Now I am back, to type up. Now it s a week later. Tristan have been feeling a lot better now. He had fever for three to four days. He have been taking nap - a long nap than I would expect for him to take. He normally don't take nap. His lip is getting better. Yet, it s dry and cracked on his lip. I tried to put lip moisture on it to keep it moist than being dry on his lip. He haven't eat as much in few days. Last week, he was complaining about his mouth. It s hurts him when he was eating chicken nuggets with ketchup. He really wanted it. Me and Dan tried to tell him because its acid on in it. it s hard to explained for him. I told him just drink your water/juice to help to calm down. Over the weekend, he is more back to himself. He can eats some than being complaining about his mouth hurts. I am glad that he's all better. Now, his fingers is peeling. I was like, oh no. I asked my mom about it why? It s all relate to Scarlet fever. CRAZY VIRUS! We are so grateful that Tristan is all better.

We were worrying about Anthony's. We tried our best as we can to keep his hands clean... don't touch your brother, Tristan.. and on and on. About on thursday, Anthony have a cold. Just running nose. THen on saturday, he was kinda worse. We had to take to him to doctor to be check up. Sure enough, he needed to be cultured for strep throat. And gave him a mediciation to fight his nasty cold. On sunday, I called the doctor to make sure, if Anthony have strep or not. Its negative! I am happy that Anthony don't have it. But gotta to give him medicence to get him better.

Its not only Anthony. I am sick too. Anthony and I have a same thing. IT s nasty cold virus with headaches and sinus pressure. Hopefully, it will get better this week. I am sure it will be.

Tristan went back to school yesterday. He seems to be good and happy to see everyone. :) Tristan had no school last week to due to president week which it's good new. I don't like to take Tristan out of school many times. Yes, he s young preschooler. I am so nervous and exciting about Tristan's attending to Kindergarten!

Few weeks ago, Me and the kids went to Elementary school to meet principal and kindergarten teacher. My mom came with me to interpreted for me. She tried her best to sign. Not as expert to sign. But I can understand her gesture and her talk and her lipreading at the same time. Tristan was kinda exciting to go to "big school" that's what he calls it. We have been talking about it once a while. I know it will help him to have an idea about it. And showing him the pictures about school. We have been going to library like twice a week to get some books/movies. He understands the concept of it.

Back to the point, we were visiting the school. The principal and teacher wanted to meet Tristan and us too to get know about Tristan's. They are so friendly. Tristan was very shy. Anthony just out speaking when they asked questions to Tristan's. Tristan would just stared at him and nodded or not move. Anthony would reply some of his questions. It s so funny how Anthony would stand up for his big brother. Normally , Big brothers would stand up for their younger. Of course it will take time for Tristan's courage.

We have met school nurse and speech teacher. They are very very friendly and very understanding. Its nice school. So, we will see from there. :)

It s time for me to get to bed now. Nite nite. hugs

Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb 2009

What a day for me and Dan's. Tristan is not feeling good. He had a nasty fever since yesterday. He had a headaches and throwing up. We have been giving me tyl. He kept saying his throat hurts. We took him to doctor this morning to see what's up. Its turned out that he have a step throat. He asked us, if he have a rash. He didn't have any rash this morning.The doctor said, it s step throat. He looked at his throat to see it, sure enough it s shows that his throat is red, swollen inside and his lip too... and red spot on it. and not only that, his touge is white/green color. So, he took a culture step to see if he have step throat. We will find out tomorrow morning.

We gave him a medication. Few hours later, he have been taking nap alot alot of sleep all day/ nite since yesterday. I found out that he had rash on his body. We had to called the doctor. She/he said, stop the medication (my mom called up for me). We went to get bendalyo to reduce his rash and throat. We will call in the morning to see if it s step throat. So, we will see then. Right now, Tristan is sleeping. Gets well, sweetie! I am glad that Anthony is not sick at all. We have to keep an eye on them - both of them.

Recently, we went to see our friends Alicia, and Nathan in Kingston, NY to celebrated my friend's daughter. She just turned one year old. She s beautiful baby girl, Amelia! They had a party at my gym... which it s wonderful place for kids to have fun. My boys had a great time there. Happy Birthday Amelia!

On Saturday, it s valentine's day. Dan and the boys gave me roses and card. We gave the boys cards and fun stuff like candy box - a small one, and penical.. bubbles and stickers. they loves it. Dan took me out to eat. we had a good time to spend time ourselves. it s nice dinner too at Bachstor Feast?? Its an Italian restaurant. GREAT GREAT FOOD! WE LOVE IT!

Happy Valentine's Day!

And later that nite, we watched Fireproof. its excellent movie for marriage couple. Every one should watch this movie! Its very enjoyable to watch! We had watched 'facing the giants'. And 'flywheel' too. what a great movie too. it s Christian moives. I loves it very much. it s helps me to understand more clearly on based on our lives - everyday life. Not only that, I have been reading a lot of books lately by Karen Kingsbury. She s great author! I loves it. It s helps me to understand clearly on based our lives daily. I think everyone should read it. If you do, enjoy it!

Jan 2009

Wow, the time have gone so fast.

Well, the good new that I got a new hearing aid in the end of Dec 30th. It was okay experience for me. I had to go back to audiology to re set the program to get the right setting to hear better.

it s pretty loud. the boys teasing me when they talks they were screaming... i had to tell them to calm down. They knew from that moment. And they teasing me again with their loud voices.

I noticed that this hearing aids that I am wearing now, is not the best one. I likes the previous hearing aid, which they don't make it anymore. Sad, huh?

Something that I have to deal with it. And we will see from there.

Well let's see in Jan. Well it s had been snowing on and off. The boys really enjoyed the snow very much. I tried my best to keep them warm. It had been crazy outside. The temp have been dropped to under 20's degrees. It's so freezing. We had to keep us warm and eats warm/hot food. I don't like it, because, it s too cold... its too much work and hurt my hands badly. My hands have been dry lately. I have been putting lotions a lot to keep it moist. Its driving me crazy! Hurry up, no more cold weather. I am waiting for spring to come out. SO we can play outside, go to playground, and have picnic and take a walk too.

So, we will see.