Sorry for the late posting of halloween pictures.
We went trick or treating with my cuz, Mary and her baby, Leo(who is three month old that time, he s dressed up a colorful loin it s so cute) and her finannce, Victor. Plus mary's friend and her six months old baby girl who dressed up a pink bunny. We all had a great time We went out in the beauitful afternoon on halloween. It s so amazing how the weather was! So nice and cool that day!
Tristan loves to be a cowboy!
Anthony is being a puppy! He loves this coustome!
Brotherly love!
walking on the sidewalk to look foward to get some trick or treats candies!
Halloween family picture - 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
halloween 2008
Posted by preciousangels at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What a nightmare experience!
we went to the store walmart super walmart in harrsion rt 17th.
Me and my boys went shopping at walmart with my mom. It s our first time to go there.. but not mom's. She went there before.
I had to helped mom to find a pant for my brother. It s speical pant to work for underground. Then I told Anthony stay by mommie. But he ran around then came back.. then ran again. i told him stay by mommie.
All the sudden, I cant find him.. i was yelling , "anthony" over and over. it s so freaking for me.
We were all looking for him I had to go to customser service to inform the workers. So they annouced on the speaker. Meanwhile, the workers of walmart were looking for him too. And not only that two milarity men were looking for my son too.
I was started to feel nervous and don't know what will happen to him. I was so upset and starting to crying. I was holding Tristan's hand. He knows what is happening. We were looking for him. It s took about what, five mintues that we had to look for him. Finally mom said, they find him. My mom heard someone saying we found him.
Then I saw Athnoy and gave him a hug. I told him don't run like that. you have to stay by mommie.. the lady said, he was hiding in the clothing rack.
Thats what we believed that anthony was spoooked out when it s happened to him.
I was having still having flash back. i cant get off my mind that day.
i was lookind through the clothing racks all over the men secetion that where we were. Of course, it s big store. Never know what will happen.
Oh gosh, i had to hold him.. and put him in the cart and belt him up!
The one of milartary man said that he happy that my son is found. he know that feeling it s happened to him, his daugther.
Tristan stayed with us the whole time while were in the store. I am glad that they didnt run after of this situation!
we were talking about it how and etc.
My mom saw a lady she believe that she s undercover that she acts like she s shopping. it s like she have to watch out for the store peeps who steal things and etc.
I told dan when we got him. he shocked his head. he s just happy that he found. he asked me how long he was missing .. i told him like about five mintues. the walmart workers seems to willing to help out.
I am so grateful that he s found! thanks to the lord! Whew! I hav to remind myself to tell the boys that stay with momma and explain, remember when Anthony got lost and etc. Just have to be more careful. I am happy that he s okay! Whew!
what a day for all of us!
Posted by preciousangels at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
OPP! I haven't post as much lately! We are so busy! About two weeks ago, I took the boys to Matterhorn Nursery. Tristan have no school on monday... which it s christopher columbus day. Dan had to work. :(
But I took them there to enjoy the fun to get pumpkin to paint the pumpkin... go on hayride... and enjoy the nature walk as well. It s very nice. The kids had a great time. The weather that day was very nice and cool. Beautiful day! I will post the pictures other time. Of course we got messy from the painting. But the boys had a great time.
i would say about two weeks ago. We went to apple picking at Dr. Davis Farm with my cousin and her baby. We had a good time and enjoyed to picked the apples. But the prices itself went up. Last year, i remeber that we paid for 25 dallors for a big bag i think 25 pounds I might be wrong. but it s BIG bag. This time was 29 dallors!! Of course the economy effect everything! Well, Dan couldn't come with us. He was so terid. He just came home 7 30 in the morning! He worked like a mad dog -- 22 or 23 hours straight to finish the project! He have been working lately to this project. He really enjoys it very much! I will post the pictures when I have a chance. Last week, I went with Tristan's school to Matterhorn Nursery with his school. Everyone had a great time. The classmates went on the hayride.... and had snack.... seen fish pond.... sheep/goats and mini horse (i believes)... and picked a small pumpkin. Everyone really enjoyed the fun at Matterhorn Nursery with the clasemates and teachers! It s great experience for all preschoolers! :) Tomrrow it will be HALLOWEEN!! It will be fun day/nite! Tristan is going to be cowboy.... Anthony going to be Puppy! I will post the pictures this weekend. :) no worries! Nite nite everyone! Hugs
Posted by preciousangels at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just copy and paste that I had in other journal in the year of 2005
I was just copy and paste that I had in other journal. Other journal is going to close the account that I dont uses. This blog is only I uses for now.
I wanted to copy and paste what I had typed in the past. I don't wanted to lose what I had or what I wrote. It s from the year of 2005 I believe.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
10:54:09 AM EST
Feeling Chillin'
Hearing Humfditer (sp?)
This is my first time to try it out.
Now, I am stay at home mom. I loves it every moment. I loves to spend time with my prescious son, Tristan. Now he is four months and three weeks. Soon, he will be five months old on Feb. 28th. I just couldn't believe how big he got!!!
He borns on Sept. 28, 2004. He weights 9 lbs. and 11 oz., 21.5 inches. He is a big boy!!! I had 19 hours of back labor. It was a nightmare for me!! GOSH!!! I was out and I dont know what i am talking about or anything. In the end, I had a c-section. My son came out at 3:05 pm. I was cold and shieving. But I am so exciting to see my son!!! He is so wonderful and happy baby!!
We all love him so much! He is our precious child!!! Also, he make my day bright!! I loves him so much!!
Monday, March 7, 2005
10:10:30 PM EST
Feeling Loopy
Hearing really, no music, just the tv
I have been so busy so lately. We went to florida for a week to see Dan's family. It s okay. We had good time. But most of time, it just too much for me and dan. dan felt his home in fla, is not the same as before. Of course it has change a lot.
We saw his sister who wanna to see us so badly. we had a good time there for a short visit. during the week, we went to walt disney to magic kingdom. We had a good time but we took an island hopper that you can hop to different park under Disney parks. We went to Aminal Kingdom then went to MGM. I told Dan, that i dont wanted to do that to do island hopper when we have Tristan a little bit older or when we have more kids. I told Dan that I prefer to stay in one park to have fun and chill to watch our kid and futrue children too to have fun and enjoy the actioning in the park. Dan totally agrees with me. It s nice to spend time with Dan's parents to see Tristan. Of course they miss us a lot! And we miss them too.
Just so BUSY!! dan took me to his old school at Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. they couldnt let us in. The pupuse of secuirty i can understand that. But it s really nice there. It was raining that day. We met Cominnee there and few other peeps too. IT s good to see them there. :) ITs very nice area in St. Augsitine. We will go there again in the future to see different places and sightseeing as well.
Gosh, i have been going to the bathroom many time GOSH!!! i have that problem since thursday or friday. it s driving me nuts! i went to the dr today to check it out. He was telling me that there is viurs going around. It s called Rahor I think i spelled it wrong. It should be gone in couple days. Also, i forget sometime my stomach hurts, it s feels cramps. He gave me the medicence to help me out with it. Hopefully, i will gets better soon.
Let me go now. I am totally terid now!! Let me get some sleep ZZZ's!!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
2:42:37 PM EST
Feeling Chillin'
Hearing Peeps talkikn'
Happy Easter
Happy Easter Everyone!!
Wow, i am so busy so lately. Now, we re at my parent's house. we re having fun then. Of course our families are happy to see Tristan and us!! They couldn't believe that Tristan is gettiing so big already!!
We took Tristan to audiology for second opinion. He have mild hearing loss. We just wanted to make sure how much of dlbs he have. Other audiology havent inform any more depth information. the ear mold should be here in end of march or early april. But one problem, we re not sure what kind of hearing aids yet. howeever, it will be child proof. I am curious what it will be look like then.
everyone is doing good so far. tristan is getting big every day. He loves to roll so much!! I am so worrying aabout him how he sleep. I mean i caught him several times that he slept on his stomach. I had to turn him around. I know it s mother's inscerct spell it wrong i am trying spell... meaning guts.
dan as well, he is doin fine nothing news from him. Just same old thing.
Happy Easter, Everyone!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
11:05:53 AM EDT
Feeling Chillin'
Realxing at my 'rent's house
WOW..... I am so busy latey. We re at my 'rent's house. It s about a week now. We went to see my cuz's house in Staten Island. We visited and stay for three days and two nights at Jenn's house. We spent time with them. We had fun. Ameila is so sweetie pie! I love her so much. Sophia is a sweetheart. She dont wanted us to leave. But I had to go back to my rents again then soon going back to rochester. BLAH!! Nicholas is very handful and a lot of engery! hehehe
I am happy that I had a chance to spent time and even Tristan. Tristan spent time with Amelia on the floor having a blast with each other! It s so cute! We took some pictures of them. I thanked Jenn and Frankie for everything and plus the nanny -- Maratha at Jenn's, while me and dan and jenn go out to eat lunch at the resturant. After we came back, Maratha told me that after we left, Tristan woke up from his nap. He cried, and cried. He was happy to see us. At least we had good time for breif time for ourselves!
Today is raining! Blah. It s going to rain all day too!
Tristan is seven months old. I just can't believe that he is getting bigger! He have one tooth already on his lower gum. And there is another one on his top gum. It s coming! I just believe it he is getting bigger! (sobbing) Pretty please dont grow too fast, my sweetie pie!
Tristan loves to roll! I mean, he roll alll over the places. I have a plant to grow in a vase stand. Tristan was rolling to reach it and rolling to reach for one root! I was like TRISTAN!! what are u going. heheheh he is so amazing! I just cant believe from pregnant and now! I am sure even the future. Tristan seems to be starting to crawling. He put his knees on the floor and his hand on the floor too. he tends to rock himself. it s so funny how he do it. He loves to look at the mirror at my 'rent's house. he keep laughing himself by looking at it OHHHH the dog!! Remi who is a dog. Tristan loves him i mean Remi is so afraid of him cuz tristan tends to scream not scream just like hyper sounds!! HAHAH He tends to laugh and trying to reach Remi!! HEHEh it s so cute to see it. The next time, i will get the video tape to tape like that. I like it when he do that!
Dan needs to apply MCC to pull his gpa up and transfer to University of Buffalo. Wish him a lot of luck. i am thinking about going back to school for Interior Design at RIT. We will see first. Because I have to apply it again. So, we will see what's happen to the result! Wish me a lot of luck!
Take care!!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
9:56:29 AM EDT
Feeling Chillin'
Hearing Dan is playin game with boom boom volicne game.. i dont know what is the game called.
What Early Morning!
Good Morning Everyone!
I woke up too early. I dont know why. There are some things to do around the house such as cleaning up the bathroom, living room, family room and the kitchen.
Of course it s alot of work to do around to be CLEAN! Tomorrow, we will have a open house from the real estater. It will be the first time from real estater. We did ourselves. Yet, there is no luck yet.
Tristan is doing great!! He can talk some words! He is very foucs on signing and loves to blabbing too. Of course alll the babies do!
Tristan can say ba ba, da , vvvvvf, fa, ffffaa, He can said, DaDA da da, before he can said Bubble. how did he did it... well, we had the speech therpy she had buuble and blow them up and pop and etc. She is teaching tristsan to say bubble. and he did it!
What else he say? UMm.. i am trying to think what else. OH he said, OOHh hey, OHHH yeah, Hi, VRRRR, ma.
I dont think trsitan realized ma cuz he had the airplane that vibrate in his mouth. We were trying to teach him to say M word like More, MA.
He is doing so great. Also, he have his hearing aids now. It s hard for both of us to put his ears. Tristan dont like us when we put the hearing aids on. it s pain in the butt of course. Speech therpy said, it will take a while. the babies all are like that. it s not that easy. Hopefully, he will gets used to it.
Yesterday, we gave Tristan a hair cut. It s so cute!!! It s much better cuz he had a long hair in front of his face. It s bothering us to see his eyes and etc. He looks so cute!!!!!
I gotta go now. Tristan is up!
Take care!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
10:52:03 AM EDT
Feeling Chillin'
Hearing video of 'Sign Time'
hello... sory that I have'nt write in this journal. Just so busy a lot all the time. now we moved already to my parent's house. Its make us easier for us now. I dont wanted to travel back and forth to rochester to rockland. it s pain in the butt. And waste a lot of milages in the car PLUS THE GAS! Forget it the gas price went up before. Now it s starting to decreasing the price. The reason why it went up, 'cuz of the Hurriance katrina. MAN, it s effected to everyone NEW ORLEAN. I felt so bad for the peeps who lost their homes and etc. Peeps are dying without food and water. It s not that easy. Pray for the LORD for the help and bless those peeps who are trying and etc. however, there is other hurricance coming. GREAT! Who knows which part will going to hit. In lower part of Florida, people are leaving to be safe and INCLUDE NEW ORLEAN! Thats good to be safe. Just wanted to be safe for the people. They had learned from hurricance Katrina. It s the worse experience and seeing that effects us and others too. Now, we know that if there is hurriance coming, then gotta to pack and leave to be safe, it s going to be strong effect.
TRistan is doing so great! He is getting so big now! It s ubelieveable that he will be one year next week!! ONE! WOW the time have gone so fast, fast!!
Dan is still looking for the job for his relate to his major. he had two interviews. First was no luck other one was no good, no luck either. i mean dan dont like the way the place is which it s the mess and way how to set and etc.
Hopefully, he will find the job for him. Pray to the LORD!
Monday, October 10, 2005
11:09:54 AM EDT
Feeling Loopy
wow, it have been a while to write like this. I am so busy alot and trying to do things to get things done. Tristan is doing good. He s getting bigger and learning alot of vocbulary. i am so proud of him. He is still trying to accept the hearing aids but it will take a while for it to adapt it. Hopefully, some day soon he will be wearing them alll the time.
Dan is the same as old. He s looking looking for job. Just waiting to hear from them.
For me, i am wiating for the postal exam to see when i will be taking taking the test. I started to study last night. I wanted to pass this. So, I can improve the skills and do well on the exam. I needs the money so badly. If I pass it, I can work for short term to take care of Tristan and the baby who will be coming out in dec/jan. Once, the baby will grows little bit every day. I would be working longer to save more money to put into the saving account. Also, I wanted to have money wise with the budget. I wanted to pay off the bills. Gosh it not that easy. I just feels alot of frustion. I wish that i already have my baclchlor degree. It will be more easier for me to get the job and etc! But Now it s more challenge for me. 'Cuz I dont know what i wanted to do for bacholor degree. It s not that easy.
Well, just wait and see how is it go then. I was thinking to do like business or medical billing, or cooking or teacher. I was thinking about interior design. After i realized, i dont think it s for me. Cuz it will take a lot of time. And I dont wanted to take over the time with works not with my kids. My kids are first. I wanted them to have fun and enjoy with their lives and us too. Well, just wait and see how is everything going so far.
take care
Posted by preciousangels at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just worrying about the future. Not sure what will happens, like would be bad or will be okay.
Right now, the economy crisis are here. HOping there will be changing to make people to be less stressful and etc. I am hoping that the decision that Bush is going to make today/tonight will not take $700 billions dallors. It will hurt us badly. It will hurt the business and etc. It s not going to be easy of course. It will be VERY OVERWHELEMED! IF that is the case, meaning that the taxes will be increase and everything will be very very very hard, and also hard to get approval for cars/houses and others.
I am hoping that there is other way to reduce it. They should reduces the price down. IF that so, it will help other people's business. And not only that gas prices too. They should reduce the price but it s from other countries who make a decision to increase the price.
So, we will see what will happen with debating from President and other staff's decision what to do.
I am prayin' to lord to find other way.
Posted by preciousangels at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Altamont Fair on Aug. 16th
We had a great time to see so many animals and seen our friends there! We had good time.
Anthony tried to pet sheeps! Baa-Baa!!!
Tristan just looking at sheep/goats.
Yee-Haw! giddy up! Boys!
Husband and wife
Donkey and Anthony
*giggling* *wheee* Anthony hugging on Dan's leg! *wheee*
Tristan, Anthony and Darion, and Darion's mama, Julie. (our good friend)
Anthony, Tristan, and Darion
Dan and our two freinds were going on the ride! ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND!!
Darion, Tristan and Anthony were playing in the sandbox with CORNS!! it is cool!!?!
Tristan as a rooster! coockle a dooodllllllleeeee!!! *hehehehehe*
Posted by preciousangels at 10:01 PM 12 comments
Here is the pictures from Indiain event
I am so bad to upload the pictures here is more pictures that we went to Pow wow indiain in August. We had a good time
here is the picture at Pow Wow!
Posted by preciousangels at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Pictures from the Broxn Zoo
Here is the pictures from Broxn Zoo that I forget to post it in the blog.
Enjoy the pictures!
Here is a shot of Polar Bear!! White Bear!! :)
The boyz!
Smile Tristan! PFHT!! he s not smiling with me!PFFHHHTTT, I know he s having fun in monorail in Zoo!
Looking at a baby giffrai, (wrong spelling, forgive me)
A good shot with Tristan and Mama!
Other good shot with Anthony and Mama!
Having Fun, huh? Anthony!, He loves it to go a ride on Merry go around!
Not only one, Tristan. Tristan is having a blast there as well!!
It was taken on August 13th... is it cute to see them sleeping togehter on Anthony's toddler bed!?!
Posted by preciousangels at 10:01 PM 0 comments
here is the picture from first day of school
here is the pictures of Tristan for his first day of school.
Tristan was teasing me. He was looking for to go to school, but he s kinda nervous to go to school for first day of school. So, he decided to pretend to go to sleep which you can see!
Here we are, Tristan! Once I opened the door! Here is a shot of him which you can see him little bit nervous and scared too. Thats okay. I drove to the school to drop Tristan off. I told him that you will love this school and have a wonderful time! When it s time for me to picked him up, he had a wonderful time! :)
Posted by preciousangels at 10:01 PM 0 comments
I totally forget to post the pictures for Broxn ZooI
I totally forget to post more pictures that we went to the Broxn Zoo!! How silly am I !
Posted by preciousangels at 10:01 PM 0 comments
I totally forget to post the pictures for Broxn ZooI
I totally forget to post more pictures that we went to the Broxn Zoo!! How silly am I !
Posted by preciousangels at 10:01 PM 0 comments
here is the pictures from Disney Store and other pictures
Anthony with Minne Mouse!
Family picture
Hot Dog -- Nathon's most famous World hot dog in Coney Island!
Posted by preciousangels at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A Fun Day!
Today, we had a good time. We took our boys to NYC to go to Disney Store on 5th and 55th street. We stayed there about at least less than a hour and half. We were browsing around to see what they have. It s very nice and colorful disney store. Me and Dan see something that we would like to give to the boys for christmas from us. But we will see in the future of what is the plan for christmas break.
We met characters from Disney. We seen Pluto and Minnie Mouse. We took some pictures already. It s not a lot characters that we seen in FLA or Calforina! Some day we will go there again in FLA. Hopefully in the future we will go to Calforina to Disneyland, Universal Studio. It will be fun, yet not now. Someday!
I will upload the pictures that we took from today.
Anthony loves Pluto. He laughed when Pluto tried to licked to Anthony's. It s cute! But Tristan won't do it to go by himself like Anthony did. Anthoy walked to himself to see Pluto and Minne. But Tristan kinda scared of it. But When Dan hold Tristan.... he's okay with it. So, we took family picture with Pluto and Minnie as well.
We went to get Mr. Pototes head for the boys. We didnt get body of Mr. Pototes head, because we have it. We got them some various things like shoes, hats, different kind. The boys love it!
Dan wanted to see train store in Brooklyn. We waited in the car while Dan looking around in the train store. He told me it s cheaper, which it s good new. I told Dan that it s time to eat for lunch, it s kinds late. We had a late lunch. We went to Coney Island which it s near by the train store, about ten mintues, I would say.
We had lunch at Nathan's world famous hot dog place!! I wanted to show Dan's where is the world famous hot dog that was so popular since early 1900's. We had fun, we stayed there for very short about 30 mintues and looked at the candy store. The boys wanted the prezetel.. but no luck to find it. We gave them small lolipop. They were so exciting for that. It was time to go home.
We took few pictures of city while we were driving. We were trying to aviod the traffic there and there. it was not that bad.
So, we had a good time today.Tomrrow, we will go to Congers Italain Featival. We will see how is that.
Posted by preciousangels at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Updating what s happening so far since august and september
Just to update what is happening so far. Last week, we went to see ENT in the city. BOY!!! Tristan had very hard day! Tristan refused to let the doctor to look at him. He s so strong. I couldn't hold him
He went to see audiologist for bit. He was scared at first then he opened very nicely. His right ear shows 65 -70...
Finally, we went to see the doc. Me and my mom and the secretary had to hold Tristan down on the laying chair to let the doctor to look his ears. Everything looks good. Boy, Tristan cried and cried. Glad that was over!
However, the doctor recommend us to get Tristan to have cat scan and blood work and genetic testing as well. This Wednesday, he will have cat scan it will be crazy morning for me and Dan. We have to be at the Nyack hospital at 8:30 am. Also, The doctor and nurse will put Tristan to sleep while doing the cat scan to be prepare. I know he will NOT BE HAPPY. Also, we will do blood work at the same time. So it will be easier for all of us.
On Sept 4th, he will go to the city again for having a surgery to have remove that he had extra skin tag next to his ear. It s better to have it remove before he will enter school next year. I don't wanted Tristan to feel low self esteem because of that. Just wanted to get over with it. I am glad we already taking care of that. Dr. Mike Rothfeild will doing to do that. He have no problem with that. He already checked his ear. everything looks good.
After we came home from the hospital. Trsitan was very tried of course the medicine effected that. Around in the late afternoon close to dinner time, he felt warm. So we gave him Tylenol to keep the temp. down and keep an eye on him. Over the weekend, he seems be to good health. :)
Two days ago, it s his first day of preschool. He loves it! He have a wonderful time, He will be attending five times a week from 12 30 to 3pm. I am glad that he likes it so much. The teachers are very warm and friendly to children that make them open to each other. That's what we wanted to see, from shy to open up to each other by talking, sharing, showing of 'show and tell', colors, and play each other. It will be a lot of fun for all of them!
Yesterday, we went to nyc again for check up for follow up for Tristan's. Dr. Mike Routhchild already took care tape on Tristan's. It s done. Of course, Tristan was crying while the doc tried to take it out. His boo -boo shows red. The doc informed me that it will go away and the scar will fade as well. I m happy everything is well. :)
We went back to the nyc for genetic counselor. Because it s refer to us to go by audiology. I am hoping no more doctors after that, expect pediatrics doctors and audiology that we have been going to. Genetic counselor have been asking some questions of our families histories. The boys were pretty good in the beigning but it was pretty long time that we stayed there. At least about three hours, i would say. While we were driving to the city, Tristan kept saying, I dont wanna to go to the city, I hate the city. We have been telling him, that we re not going to the hospital. We are going to talk, that's all. Of course, he was upset about that. We met few people who wanted to questioning us and mesure Tristan's head, ears, his height, and his weight. They are just doing their evlatuion. I m glad that Tristan willing to do that. Its take a while to let Tristan to see how much this and that. He kept saying, I wanna to go to the store! Then the next part, that they wanna to take the pictures of my face, Anthony's, and Tristan's. I went first, GOSH, Anthony had a fist! He creid and creid while they were taking a picture from side to side face. They are using cool technology. And we were waiting to the laptop to upload the picture to dots it up and show the 3 d of my face. IT S SO FREAKING! It s freaking becuase they rotoated the face it s so freaking. Its like the show, called, BONES. When they demostetion of ed faces/person. ITs looks like that.
So, the next person is Anthony. He s doing good so far. I have to tell him to look at the bear's nose that is the top of the product of camera. It s good so far. Then the next is Tristan. JEEZE! he wont do it! I had to hold him and take a picture of his face. We got it but not a good picture. It s a picture of him crying/screaming. At least we got it. We have to send them few other pictures of Daniel of close up and others too. I am hoping we are done with the doctors for now! We will see. Tristan miss his afternoon class today, we cant make it on time to get there. It s pretty a long day for all of us!
The good news for me, that I am approved for getting hearing aids by VESID (VR counselor). I am happy about that. I will be getting the hearing aids in two to three weeks. Hopefully, everything will be ready for ear molds and hearing aids as well. So, we have to see how I would likes it and etc. It have to go through process step by step to see if I can hear with new hearing aids.... if not, audiologist have to find other hearing aids will help. We just have to play around.The hearing aids that I have is almost ten years old!! It s time for me to get new one!! I am so grateful that VR will help me out to get new hearing aids. Right now, the hearing aids are crazy prices. VR helps women who are stay at home mom to take care of children. That s why. I am grateful for that! :)
Dan is doing well. The old job wanted Dan's back. But Dan is not going to take that chance after what they treated him. SO, we will see in the future with the jobs situations in different location. But not right now. Perhaps in Jan's??? That's what my VR sent me contacted until Jan. So, we will see from there.
Anthony is taking up a storm. He's still learning a lot. He's so smart. He is good boy! And Tristan too. They both becoming mature. Keep a fingers cross!!!
Just to let you the update of everyone! Hope everyone is well!! Hugs Hugs!
Posted by preciousangels at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Exciting new!
Exciting new to share with ya'll!
Yesterday, I took a road test near my home area. And I finally passed my road test! It s so exciting! And of course, finally too!!
When I was in college, I took classes for driving. Yes, I was so freaking nervous about driving around. I was not confident into myself. I was kindna not ready yet. Even though, I am okay with driving. Just that in my head/mind, that I am not ready for it.
Yet, I am ready and feels alot of confident into myself. That's great new for me! Before took a road test, I have been driving alot for my mom's and going to stores, which it s good practices for me. And good start too!
A big day tomorrow! My cousin asked me to be a godmother for her baby son. I am so exciting for that. I just finished making candy wrapper. It's fun to do and enjoyable, too.
I am so beat!! I am going to bed. Nite nite! Just to share the excitement new!
Posted by preciousangels at 11:20 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
this week - potty training
This week is potty training for my both boys. Anthony is on and off, I belive it will comes around soon. For Tristan have been wearing underwears during the days. I am kindna nervous how he will do during the nites. So, I put him pull up on during nites time.
Yes, he had some accidents during the days. I guess, he didnt realized it s time.... or dont think of it.. or too shy to go to the potty. I had to remind him do u needs to go.. or take him to the bathroom. Sometime, he run off to the bathroom to sit on the potty and go. He s getting there. So we will see how he s doing with the process so far.
Two weeks ago, we went to Indiain event. it s fun and small of course, I will upload the pictures next time.
The boys are getting taller now, just noticed that few weeks ago. WOW the times have gone so fast!! I gotta to upgrade the pictures so far what they look like now.
This weekend we will go to Altamont Fair in New York to see our friends. We're looking forward to see them and spend time with them. It will be fun weekend then! Cant wait! The boys will be so exciting to see them as well!!
Well, it s time for me to go to bed now! I am too exhuasted!! Nite nite!
Posted by preciousangels at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
July 4, 2008
On July 4th, we went to New York City as known as NYC! We had a weonderful time to see our ole friends from college! It was so wonderful to see them and catch up the news and our kids spent time with our friends' kids as well.
We went out to eat at Dallas BBQ. It s so yummy yummy food! We went to Madam Tusancy, (neeeded to check the spell right) that is a wax museum. It s very cool place to explore! We aslo went to Dave and Buster for little bit. We went home because we were alll exhausted all day long!! The kids were pretty cranky and terid. They both fell alseep in the car way to home. Our frineds slept over and watch the fireworks from across the street. It was nice for them to come over and spent time to catch up news. We had a good time. We all miss them !! We all miss our freinds all the time! We alway wondering how are our freinds doing and etc. We are trying to catch up with evertything. Of course, our freindship is very important to our lives. We all love you guys to EVERYONE!!! BIG HUGGIES! And not only that, our families as well!!! MWAH!!
Here are the pictures at the NYC!
Will Smith and Me!! I wish it s real!
Dan and Will Smith
Tristan, CHEEESSSEE!!!
WTC - men putting the flag up together.
Spice Girls and me. One of them is missing!! Where is Sexy!!?!
Tristan and me trying to dance and sing
WHOO! GO GO GO, Tristan!!
Posted by preciousangels at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Eric's farm
Few weeks ago (on July 20th), we went to my brother's farm. We were so busy that day and helping each other to get ready whatever the barn needed to do or needed to be done. It s still needed alot of work to do. And not finish yet. But it will comes.
The kids had a great time seeing the hores. My brother and his lady have six horses together. They wanted to do broading horses. So we will see how it will go in the future. I am not sure when they will be able to do it yet. But the stables needs to be finish and needs to be clean up and fix the light and fix the patch on the wall and etc.
Here is the pictures of the farm.
Eric's farm
One of the horses! Cute huh?
Tristan is riding a horse! He loves it!
Dan and the boys! As you can see, it s needed a lot of repair work!
Posted by preciousangels at 10:53 PM 1 comments