WOW! It s have been a long time now to update of my families.
Well, we re still living with my 'rents. We are still paying the bills. Hopefully, we will be finish paying the bills this year expects few others bills that always there.
Well, for Dan, he have a new job. He quited the job in Feb. 2008 to a new job that pay better than previous job. Yes, Dan still miss the previous job. Yet, there is problem with the owner that don't give the co-workers enough raise. The owner is just being selfish to himself. That's what we all agrees. Dan is very hard-worker and enjoys it very much with previous job - Mclaren Engineering Group.
Dan is working with angency for six months policy. After six months, he will transfer to the job that he's working for. There is no guartuee that Dan wanted to do that. We are still keeping an eye open to other place. Our goal is to pay the credit cards and save a lot of moola! Don't everyone wanted to do that too?!?! I am not only one who have the same problem. Well, back to Dan's, he likes it, but I think he wanted something more into it. So, we will in few months then.
For my boys, Tristan and Anthony are doing good so far. They can be hyper and stubborn, but always happy and cheerful. Tristan is now 3 and half years old. He s attending to Jawino for preschool. It's only from 9 - 11:30 a.m. His bus comes every morning around 8:30 to 8:50 am. Also, dropping him off at home around noon -ish. Sometime, well, most of all the time, that the bus came late to pick the children up in the morning. Its not always at 8:30 am. I wish it does. It can make it easier to be on time for school. But the preschool dont have 'time' of what time the kids have to be on the dot at 9. i think they should. The parents pay for the school. For us, we got it for free this year through school distinct. From last year it was paid by early invention program by the county of NY state.
Tristan is doing well in school. He seems to enjoy it very much. I am sad about there is no kids to be soical with us in this area. Yes, I feels lonely. The boys keep me busy as much we can.
Tristan is recieving five time a week for speech therphy. one teacher will do three time a week. -regular speech therphy. And other is two times a week is teacher for the deaf will do speech as well too. The regular teacher know abc's signing that s all. We were like BIG WHOOP! because in this ages from babies to 5 years old, siging language is important to all of us. We were saying that, what if the child don't wanted to talk, and use by their gestures and pointing. How can we commuicate to each other? Sometime, we think that maybe they are too lazy to take a try to do it. I seen a little bit of signing posters in the classroom. Question is that, are they using it?
Teacher for the deaf, Lynn is great. She s commuicate with me with signing and uses with Tristan as well too. She see our point of veiw. She have been with us since we moved from Rochester. I would say three years this summer! We really enjoy it very much.
From last year when Tristan was in infant program at Jawino. He had a tough in the beiging to let it go from me and going on the school bus. It took about two months of crying and emtion for Trisatn. I remeber that on the second day of school, I was so emtional to see Tristan going to school. Jsut being so proud of him. I had to leave and go inside, while Dan took Tristan in. I don't wanted Tristan to see me as emtion that will affect him more. He s doing well in school. In the beinging, he would not soical with others. Of course, it s took time for that. Finally in few months later, he talks to other but not alot of talking. the teacher name is Jamie. Tristan really loves her very much! And enjoy the class room with her and two other teacher asstiances.
Anthony is at home with me while Tristan in school. He s doing well, playing toys, listening musics, read stories to him and others too.
I am trying to think what we did in 2006-2007loween, umm... we went out trick or treating here for short time. Tristan dressed up as Elmo. Anthony dressed up as monkey. They love it! Umm.. Thanksgiving... we were here at home. it was nice that s all, i can say. LOL! UMM.. Christmas! Of course, it s busier holdiay ever! Christmas Eve, we had company over. Tara and Anton, They both slept over. Of course we had seafood-italian food. Christmas day, Jenn and the family came over. It was very nice christmas. Oh yeah, it was first christmas for Anthony. He was pretty overwhelemed. We all had good time. I am sure, that i wrote it down in my journal about that. Then anthony's birthday too. let me seee, Oh right, i jsut rembered that in march we suppoused to go to Fla. HOWEVER, Dan had an accident by riding the dirt bike. he was riding my brother's bike. i dont know why he did that. He was riding across the street from my house. He was going up the hill, then boom soemthing happened. Dan said, that the bike was kicking the speed while Dan was trying to take contol of it. he fell on the street. he got a HUGE, HUGE bump on his head. I was freaking out. i was not sure, if he was broken or anything. My mom went with him to ER to make sure everything is okay. He came home, with no broken bone expect a chipped on his front tooth. he had to use sling brace for his arm. he was sore on his arm or shoulder either way. I was not sure. BUT he had a HUGE bump on his forehead that touch on his top of his nose. It s looks like A HUGE HUGE ZIT. but it s not. Its all of fluid in it. We had to postone the vacation to FLA to middle of April.
It took a two to three week to heal his bump down.
April, we went to fla to see Dan's parents and the families. It s crazy vacation ever!! We went to Magic Kindom. We had fablous time! We all had a good time. The kids love to see Mickey Mouse and other characters. And seeing the shows, the rides, and the parades as well. We had a blast. We would like to do it again.
Then we stayed at Dan's parent's new home. it s so lovely and beautiful trailer they have. its double trailer. It s nice. They do desevered it to have a new home! We have been traveling back and back from dan's home to see Gray's parents.... Dan's grandmother in olca. We brought her with us to stay with us to spend time with us. She really enjoy it very much. then visited Dan's sister and her family! we had great time to spend time with them. Not only that the day of her daugther's arrival is so excitement!! I never forget about that day! It was crazy for all of us! because dan's mom was driving to see laurie. But her car broke down. We had to drove all the way about two hours trip to see whats the matter. She need the part to fix the car. We dropped Glenda (Dan's mom) off to the hopistal to see Laurie's. Gary and Dan working on Gelnda's car for few hours. It s crazy, they had to go to the store to get some part it was back and forth back and forth to get the right tools, right part for the car! FINALLY IT S WORKING!!! The boys were getting restless and cranky.
After all the trouble was done. But the excitiment new is that we have a newborn baby girl!! She s so beauty. We went out to eat at olive garden to take a break and celebrated too.
We went home for a long day!!! Then we went to picked up dan's grandma to spend time with us. And Joel as well too. Few days later, i couldnt rember which days. We went to see laurie's and the families to spend time with them for a day. We had a good time. the boys had a good time to spend time with their cousins. It s sad that it s short! Hoefully, in the future we will spend time more. Then days after, not sure which day again. it s long vacation for us. i think it s 10 days vacations? not sure? Then we went to MGM a day before the flight to go back home to NY. We had a good time at MGM. The boys really enjoy to see Mickey Mouse again and JoJo the circus as well And others too. But later the day, later the evening, it was so bad for Anthony. he was getting cranky and hot! It s turns out that he had a fever. It was time to use to go hotel to rest. Poor Anthony was burning up. It was time to take him to ER. It s turns out that we didnt give him a enough dosage becuase of his weight! I hate that when it s happens. When his weight increase, have to increase the right dosage. I have to keep that in my mind. i have two boys in different weights that time. that s why, i had a hard time to keep a right track for right dosage for TYL. for my boys. It s turns out he s okay. The hopsital there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE!! They took us in.. we had to wait for few mintues. Then checked him out. Then we were out in two hours. This was a best expericne ever in that hopsital than here for ER services. Me and Dan were saying they take serious with children. that's what we think that time.
We got hotel. we were so beat! We had a short sleep and it was time us to go to airport to go home. Yes, it was sad for us to leave. But we will do it again! We had a wonderful time all those day we spent time together. we all love them! MWAH!
May? not sure about that month. June, it was Tristan's last day of school and his graduation day from Infant program. i videotaped it of his graduation day. it s so lovely graduation from his infant program. It s make me so proud of him. umm... what s else? nothing i know of.
July... is 4th of july. We took Tristan with us to Clarkstown South to see firework. We had good time. We didnt bring Anthony with us. I think he was sick that time with a cold. We didnt do on the 4th of july i think it was two days before.. one of the weekend. we have a good time. Next time we do that again. We will bring blanket, food, drinks, snacks with us and hopefully the boys too! IF they re not sick! Pray for the boys' health! it s really enjoyable to watch and listening to music that they have too.
August..... not sure.
Sept. 2007..... it s Trsitan's back to school for preschool. he s really enjoy it very much. His teacher named Cindy. The teacher assitance are Lindary and Julie i think? i already said about tristan's earlier.
We gave my parents' 30 years anniversary. we had a WONDERFUL TIME!!! We had a party at fire house at west nyack. There is a ballroom party. WE had a good time, We had a dj, food... drink. we had wonderful time. My parents was unexpect of this. But I knew that my mom knew She knows everything! hahah *WINKS*
Tristan is three years old! We went out to eat at Outback in Suffern we had a good time. we had an ice cream cake. He opened some presents. he have train layout, elmo... books. that s all i can think of.
Oct 2007 .... Tristan dressed up as Tigger... Anthony dressed up as Elmo for halloween. they had a good time going to trick or treat. We went to see Lynn's to see the boys wore for halloween. Lynn was happy to see us. the boys had a good time.
Nov... we had thanksgiving here at home.
Christmas we had a good time. no one shows for christams eve. but alot of food! Christmas day is very nice we had good time. the boys were pretty overwhelemd! I am trying to think anything more.... weent to chuck e cheese in naunet. We had a good time. I felt bad for tristan in the next day he got sick. A teacher told me, well, we saw tristan's teacher at chuck e cheese. She told me not to eat there. She tends to bring her kids to play,not to eat. Well, we havent gone there for a since! it was for Anthony's birthday, two years old.
We had a small new years eve party here. Tara and Anton were here. for new years eve. we had a good time. we had hero, pototoes salads, macronni salasd and few others.
I knew about my cousin mary's situation. I rather her to tell me first. I have a feeling that she s pregnant. And she is! She found about in jan's i would say. It s so exciting for her. It s her first baby. she s having a boy!!! Her baby will due in July! Summer baby!! HEHEHE! I cant wait to meet bundle of joy soon!
Feb.... Dan got a new job that month.
March.... umm.. we went to st. paddy parade in peral river. We had a great GREEEEEAAAT TIME! The boys had a good time to watch the parade! It was so cold and windy too! It s worth!
Also, it was Easter too. We inivited Julie and Jesus to come over to have Easter dinner with us and did Easter Eggs hunting. We had a good time. the kids really enjoyed it very much! The boys love Darion... julie and jesus's son. He s cutie pie!!
April... umm.. nothing well.
May... umm.. this is may! hahaha recnetly weekend we were so sick sick as dog!! We had a stomach virus! It was crazy! But we all feeling better!! YAY!! IT s was pretty long time to get over with it. I had it since firday and same with tristan. i felt better on monday. i think that s normal to get better after three/four days.
OH yeah that s right. I will explain more next time about Anthony's situation in recently Feb. It was nightmare for us! I will explain next time. Right now, it s getting late. i am going to bed soon. it s only 11:15 p.m. now.
I did typed alot today to typed what we missed so far from 2007. I am glad that i typed it up.
Good nite, ya'll!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wow, i needs to look into my calendar to see what did we missed so far!
Posted by preciousangels at 10:09 PM
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