Friday, June 02, 2006

what a long week!

Boy, we have been so busy so lately! My sons love to play and get some attentions! JEEZE, they love attentions from me! Anyhoo, recently we came home from the mall, Naunet mall, Not bigger mall, Palisade Mall. When we left the house, and drove to taco bell for Dan's. He haven't eat yet. He came home late. I had to watch Tristan 'because he put his fingers in his mouth. I told him don't put your fingers in your mouth. Take it out! Dan thought he was playing around like pop go the weasel (not sure how to spell). I looked over at Tristan. The next thing I knew it he was threw up! He was playing around with his mouth. That was his first time to do that. jeeze we had to clean up him and changed his stinky clothes and put a clean clothes on him. I had to take him the bathroom to clean his hands and his face. No more stinks smell. I just washed his clothes just now and the seat belt from the car seat. He is curious boy. I guess that s what happen in this time of his age now. I read in the web site of the age catergies that 20 months old will be very curious with his body. he already done that! hahaha I just have to igrone it. Oh well, it s normal for all the children then. :)

I was so impressed with Tristan last saturday, he wore his hearing aids allll day, I mean, all day. I was so impressed with him. I am so happy that he wears him more frequenetly. YAY FOR HIM! But sometime he took it off. I had to put back it on. But it will takes a while. Hopefully, before September he will wears them more often. Pray to the lord for the hope for Tristan to wears them! :)

Last Saturday, we went to the party for my cousin's first commu. we had a good time. i got my face-painted. it s cool and the same as my cousins too. it s cute. i took alot of pictures. i will post next time with it. I saw my uncle and my aunt for the first time. i havent see them since i believe 99 or 98 either that years. i cant believe they are getting so old!! of course they are growin and turnin' to be old now. they looks so good. :)

on recenelty, sunday, we took the boys to the park. they love it! tristan was afraid at first to go on the swing. Dan holds him and they loves it. tristan walked around the park and blahing himself. he kept talking himself. Let him enjoy the fuN! i took some pictures. They looks so cute. i will post it again next time. :)

On Mermerial Day, umm.. nothing plan. just that we had to help my mom's to get laptop for my brother's. we had to help her to understand what is that or this. She got a good deal with the laptop for my brother. we walked around the Palisade Mall (to get some exerices). It s good walk for all of us!! i needs to lose some weights. It s starting to lose some. but slowly. i gotta to keep it up! yay for me. kEeP iT uP!! :)

I am thinking to get double stroller. i know i know i havent get it yet! i am looking around in the web site to see which one will be good and gotta to look at the reasonable price.

We're thinking to have a garage sale but not now. once we will get our stuff from Rochester. we will be prepare to sell some stuffs that we don't need. of course, My MOM need to sell her CRAPPY crAPPY cRAPY STUFfS! dont ask me how many or whatever. it s bad enough! she jsut postone herself too much and compalining that she dont have room or dont have time. She have time. jsut that she needs to relax hersefl. She have been running around the house in and out in and out go to work, go to the stores whatever it needed, go out for errands, and go out to see my brother nick. (he is doing good!! KEEP IT UP NICk! We re proud of you!) SHE IS SO BUSY!! that s life about! of course she need a vacation! A ReAL VACATION! I MEAN IT! maybe i can talk to dad about setting up vacation in sept. this year to take her honeymoon for the first time honeymoon! They never went to honeymoon. Of course so do we! of course maybe next year we will go out for honeymoon. but not nnow. Dan's works. he jsut started and just wait and see how is everything is going and etc.

Gosh, I miss everyone so much! I have been thinking all of you's!!!HUGS HUGS SO TIGHT!!!! mwah!

ALright enough of me chat-chit chat-chit!

Good nite. HUGS!