Thursday, May 04, 2006

WOW The times have gone too fast!!

WOW, OH MY OH ME OH BOY! I just couldn't believe that the time have gone so fast. I mean, ONe day I was pregnant. And the other day BOOM there is a baby. It s just feels that I just turned the page of the book-- the book of life. I just opened my eyes and rub my eyes to make sure, is he getting taller or just me!?! As u know who i am speaking about! Tristan, He just amazed me how he do things and how clever he is! He is getting taller and smarter too! I have been teaching him words and shows him what is that and this of the pictures of anything what we see. He can be stubbon in some way. JEEZE, he can be tough in his own way! But i gotta to push him by saying 'no" whatever he is doing wrong. LIke standing on teh couch, or going on the table... or grab the chair to be close to the oven... or anything he can gets in his own way.

He is doing well with his speech therphy and his hearing aids. He wears them pretty good. Sometime, he just dont wanted to wear them. I told him it s good for him. He likes it so far. Oh yeah, before he couldnt wear his heaing aids cuz of the earmold. He is allergy to the dye colored. Now, he have no-dye color. He is fine now! Whew! WE couldn't figure out why he is not wearing and etc. We feel so much better now.

For Anthony! Oh boy! He is still gaininig and growing so big now! He is getting taller too. Now he is four months old! couldnt believe it, how big he is! He is doing so well with his process. Now he can roll!! YAY for Anthony! He have been doing that for about two days now. He can roll from his back to his stomach. Not yet 360 degrees yet. Still waiting for that one! Oh yeah, about his clothes! He is wearing nine months clothes. Today, I just cleaned out his drawer to take his nine months clothes out because his clothes that have buttons dont fix him well, it s getting too tight. NOw i got his twelves months clothes out. he is getting so big!!!!!

Soon, I have to call for his doctor to make four months checkup. Soon he will be eatting rice cereal which it s baby food! YAY! It s so exciting! For sure I will be taking some pictures of it! I did that with Tristan! He is so cute when he ate that food!

Dan is doing good. He is busy with his job. He likes it. He works with variable of skills. That s good for Dan that he is learning so many thing from the company. It s increse his abilities of skills that s good for him!

Gotta go now.

I realized that i save it as draft and didnt post it. OPPS!