Thursday, May 11, 2006

some thursday!

I dont know what to call for the title! My mind is blank from that moment! I was just watching the movie, called,.. jeeze i forget already. It s something about the pant and the sistehood. It s also based on the book. I didnt see it the whole thing just saw in the middle of the movie. Thats movie about friendhsip and being good freinds, be there for each other..and etc etc etc. U got the picture! Well that movie make me feel good and of course i was crying in the end. GIRLS CRY ALL THE TIME. there is nothing wrong with it! Anyway, I was saying that i like it 'cuz the freindship means each other and be there for each other. Also, freindship grow stronger and much love to each. Of course, and be part of sisiterhood too.

Just make me think that I miss all my girls out there!! Glad that you guys are part of my life! I'm glad that you are part of my life and contiunes to be friendship/sisterhood to be forever in my life! I am sure ya'll feels the same way. Sometime it s hard to describe. I have to sit and think how realtionship can be wonderful most way and of course we have ours bad times. But we learned from it and be there for each other, no matters what. My heart is alway with you guys! LOVE YA ALL!! MWAH!!

Tomrrow, Anthony will have his check-up. FINALLY! I know in two weeks he will be five months old! I cant believe it how fast Anthony grows!! BOy, I learned something about him! he can be shy in his own way! hahaha! It is so cute how he acts like that! About two days ago, Dan cames home for lunch. He had hot dog for lunch. well, I was holding Anthony and talked to Dan about his morning work. It s stressful for him. Anyway, when dan looking at Anthony and say Do u wanna some (hot dog)? He asked few times to Anthony. Anthony looked up at him and gave him a smile, yet, he brushed it away and face his face on my shoulder! How cute is that! Now he is alittle shy. :) I think it s cute story to share with ya'll.

TRISTAN TRISTAN TRISTAN TRISTAN! What am I going to do with him?! He is too silly in his own way! OF course just like father and son! Well, I brought a exceresauce activity for Anthony. Tristan got himself into it. I have to post it later tonight to show to you. He is too silly. But he can't gets out. He needs my help! He keep saying, "out out OOOOUUUTTT!!!" he s silly!

For his hearing aids, I still have a hard time to put it on his ears. he did so pretty for few weeks. But not this week! GRR!! I think the cream will help to put it on in his ear. I have to ask for more, when I will go to audilogy tomrrow morning for Tristan's.

Daniel is so busy almost two weeks. He have a busy projects to finish up and needs to be done. He telling me that one of the co-worker is pain in the butt and picky about the works. He told me this morning, if he is chopping his mouth again, dan will pull his hair! hahaha. POOR DAN! I know he will do fine! Oh yeah, he might transfer to different department to 3-d stuff. But dan's department wanna him to stay in cad department. They need him and love him too. I told dan, why not half and half. So, we will see whats happen.

I was so so SO SHOCKED about the result of American Idol!! I dont know who watch them BUt I DO! I couldn't believe that CHRIS is booted out! HOpe he will get his record soon! he sings so well! We will see whats happen with his singing.

Gotta go now. Anthony needs his mama! Mwah