About two weeks ago, Julie and Jesus and their little one come over for weekend to show them Woodbury Commons Outlet. Its have a lot of stores. Some have discounts some are little costly. It was very windy that day! But had fun looking around the stores. After that, went to Cheesecake Factory. It s so yummy and delcious food! i was ready to leave from the resturant. Plus was getting late. I know my boys are getting terid and getting little cranky too. I was standing up to hold Anthony to calm down. I noticed to myself that, he likes me to stand up for a while. OF course it s depend on his moods! Daniel was tellin to sit down. I waslike what, no! Jeuss was telling me too. Then julie was laughing and say sit? hahaha Utni the waiter with two others brought ice cream with a candle to sing Happy Birthday. I was clueless. I didnt realized that so close to my birthday! hahahah It s so nice and very thoughtful!! :)
Next day, we went to the mall to look around the Palisade Mall to see what stores they have. After that, we went to apple orchard in Congers. The place is at Dr. Davies Farm. It s so beauitful field out there. We had a great time picking out the apples from the apple trees! It was so fun! Here are the pictures of it.
We had a wonderful time! Hope we can do it again next time! Who knows!
Alright let me go. It s getting late for me. It s time for me to go to bed! I will types more soon!! And more pictures too!! HUGS HUGS
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wow, so many things happening!
Posted by preciousangels at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Celebrated Tristan's birthday!
Last thursday, it was Tristan's birthday. I couldn't beleive that he's already two years old now! WOW, the time have been fly by. SLOW DOWN!! Dont grow up too fast my boys!
I just amazed with my boys. They have been growing and learning so much in our daily lives. And of course, eveyone's too!! Just got me thinking. How wonderful children can be! And how they works with things and how they pick up the book and turns the pages. Of course, The figured it out on their own. Or they have been watched me what I was doing or someone's else too.
Last week, Tristan had a wonderful time on his birthday! I made cake for him--- i called it mess up firetruck cake. I think that I didnt put enough pam in it. OPP!! He loves the firetruck cake. I made it for him. And put the icing on it. Chooclate icing! Also, I made cupcake for Tristan's class too.
We ate dinner. He s so exciting to see everyone too. He loves to sign himself. he just learned it two weeks ago. My brother Nick's brithday was on 23rd of Sept. he was here to visited. And he was here on the 22nd we celebrated for his brithday. We turned off the light and sing happy birthday song. Tristan's face was like :"whoa" and smiling on his face too. NIck blew the candle. My mom wanan to do it again for Tristan! We sang it again. Tristan was laughing and giggling the whole time. He treid to blow it. He wont it, then I blow it for him. How funny is that! Cant to imagine how he receat with his face experrision. He have a funny face when he heard the song and tried to blow too. He had his eye brown raised and he had his mouth like a shape of "O" and laughing at the same time. He had a good time that nite. Of course he ate two pieces of ice cream cake from Carvel. YUMMY ice cream cake!
He learned how to say Happy Birthday to you. Gosh, it s so funny how he said it. Of course, he couldnt say it clearly until he practiced and practiced. He finally did say it clearly! YAY for Tristan! Now he can start saying three to four words in a sentence. We are so proud of him.
On Tristan's birthday, around 6 30 - 7 ish pm, I brought up the presents from downstair to bring to the living room! WOW, Tristan was getting so exciting to see this. He was runnin' around in the living room. He have so much enegry. I told him, that you gotta to wait Tristan! First cake then present. We went to kitchen to sing him a happy birthday song. He loves it to hear it. He stll couldnt blow out until he did it! But dan helped him out. You can see the flame on the candle looked like blow away, but came back. Then Dan had to help Tristan. They finally did it!
My mom told Tristan, wanan a cake? Tristan said, NO!!!! He got off Daddy's lap and ran to living room. He is getting so exciting to open the gifts!
He finally opened the gifts. He s so exciting. He have book of scary halloween from disney, coloring book, boot, Elmo--chicken dance, Elmo giggling tool bench, corn popper and frisher price little people garage. He loves it! He had so much fun to play with them.
In a while, we had an unexpected guests come over, It s so nice to see Amanda again. She was here with her dad. They both are doing goood. They seems to losing weight. Amanda told me that her wokers and her are doing compition to see how much they lose the pounds. Whoever who lost the most, will wins $100. Thats nice idea! Amanda is still look good. Keep it up. I gotta to lose too. I feel that I am. I have been taking a walk every morning with Anthony in the stroller after Tristan go on the bus. I told my mom about this. Why I am not losing the pounds but I feels alot of enegery. My mom was telling me maybe u have been losin' some inches on your waist, hip, anywhere on your body. No wonder. I have to mesure myself to see how much I lost and write it down too. (Keep it up SARA!! Keep it going and work hard to lose all the fat!)
It was getting so late for Tristan to go to bed. He went to bed after 9 30. it s pretty late. Finally, he went to bed. And so Anthony. WHEW! What a day and nite!
The next day, Tristan was pretty late. I mean, He asleep late. I had to wake him up several time, Still he won't. I had to changed his day clothes. Then I got dressed. I finally wake Tristan up around 8. Soon he have to go on the bus at 8 30. Tristan went to school. I was wiaitn' for Mary to come with me since i dont have my drive lisence yet. I was planning to take Anthony with me But he was sleeping and my mom willing to watch him while I go to school and bring the cupcakes too.
I drove our suv to school. Tristan was so happy to see me. Of cousre he was crying before. i guess he was so exciting about the presents he got and etc. He was crying on and off while I was there. Of course, he dont wanted me to leave. I told him I am staying here with you. It s alright. I have to tell him few time to make sure he s understand and make him calm down. I loves his class. They are wonderful! The teahcer and teachers assistants are great!!! They did so wonderful with the children. They are 7 or 8 kids in class one of them are absent. The kids are so aswome! I love them! They are so wonderful and cutie pie!!
We did the cicle line where everyone sit on teh chair and do the acitivies and sing the songs too. We dance with the music with our music instrustment. We had snack time, We gave the cupcake to childrens and teachers. THey sing a song to Tristan. He loves it! One of the staff gave him a crown -- a prince for a day. Tristan dont wanna to wear it. He ate cupcakes. He loves the icing. He like to eat the top first and wanna more. He wanted more icing on it. The teacher gave him some. hahah. It s so cute.We did play-dough. It was fun. After that, the children had diapers changed while they take turn. WHile they were waiting to get diaper change, they played with slide, rockin' horse and others too. They seems having a great time. After that, We did finger paint. OH my! what fun is that!! tritan was afraid of it. UNtil i showed to him. he got into it and had fun with it. Other children love it! ONe of the children, oh my goodness, the boy Alex i think, put the paints on his faces. He had some fun with it! We had to help him and cleaned it up. It was fun. Soon, it s almost finish to go home. They cleaned up the hands and arms that they got painted. We went back to the circle line to sign some songs-- nursery songs. It s fun. Tristan had a great time We went back to home.
I asked Mary how was my driving skill and was i making her nervous. She told me no, not all!! She thinks that I am ready to take the test. Hopefully, I can make a appt for this appt. We will see then.
LAter that day, We took Tristan to doc's appt. He refused to take weight scale and height too. Its most common for the children to do that. I fooled Tristan to get on the scale. They had a hold on thing, to not fall off the scale. Hold on thing, have a ball. Tristan loves ball. So, i knew how much he would be. I put the number on the scale on. I told Tristan geton the scale and look at the ball. Look at the ball. Finally, he got on and looking at the ball. the ball have a hole on it. I told him look at it the hole. Oh my!! Finally it s works!! Sure enough, he s 30 pounds. No luck to do the heights! i treid to show him and he woould not do it! OH well. The doc checked him out. he s going good And gave me pescribe for vitmans, the chewable. I was planning to get him flinestone chewable. The doc told me no, cuz that s dont have fluirode. Over the weekend we treid to gave to him. He still wont take it! We have to do other way to figure out how he will going to take it.
On Saturday, we went to build a bear for a small party for him. We invited Dan's co-worker and his wife with two kids,Micheal and Antonia. They are wonderful people and friendly too! Tristan really enjoyed it very much. Tristan really loves Micheal. He s so funny and goofy. He makes Tristan laugh. We all had a great time getting the build a bear and watched the lady stuffs the build a bears. We and the kids had to gave our aniamals a bath and dress them. It was so much fun. They really enjoyed it very much. We went to Dave and Buster. Wonderful food there! Poor me! I couldn't get involud to talk But I did talk a little. I had to play and foucs on Anthony's. I had to feed him and play with him. When the food arrive, I had a salad. HOW YUMMY!! Anthony was trying to get it. Everytime, i gave him a botter, he dropped on teh floor. so I can get it, while that s happen, Anthony was trying to reach to get my salad!!!! EVERYTIME HE DROPPED AGAIN AGAIN with the bottle, and his binky. GRR he was doing again and again! SILLY ANTHONY!! I gave him a little bit to taste the leaf and custon too. A little while I finsihed my dinner, Anthony seems to be gagging himself. I was like Oh no!! He s goign to throw up! I had the napkin and hold it out to close to his mouth. Sure enough, he did threw up twice! Poor him, I had to clean him up and go to the game room that where they had restroom. I had to changed his diaper and clean him out too. lucky him, that he did not get on his clohtes. Dan played two games and I played one. We went home after that. Finally, Anthony was sleeping for a while but wake up when we got home! Tirstan had a lot of fun that nite. HE had passed out while we drove home. He was terid. But Poor Anthony. I had to stay with him for a while until he fell asleep.
Anthony seems to be uncomfortbale the next day. But now he s all better! Anthony still love to crawl! He have been standing up alot now. that s good for him. I had to hold his hand so, he can learn how to walk. he s getting there. He took few steps then he collaped himself to sit down on the floor. hehehe. He s so wonderful. Plus, I am trying to teach him how to say mama, dada. He did say mama a month ago. But he have stopped for a while until few days ago. I am trying to input moore to learn. And sign language too. i am trying to teach him 'more', hurgry, eat, grapes, banana. I know he will sign soon. But I am wondering when he will be doing that!!! hahah I cant wait for that! Anthony loves to play Tristan's toys. He loves it. Oh yeah, I forget. Tristan got other toy, from his uncle chris. He gave him a remote tractor before his birthday. Anthony loves that. When he pushed the buttons. the mucis started, Anthony started to wiggling himself on the floor and smiling at the same time. He have so much fun with it! I had to watched him with tools things He loves to put plastic nails into his mouth. I had to take him away He dont like that. Well too bad. I had to give him something. But If i gave him nail i have to sit next to him, and watch him not to put it in his mouth. When he was planning to do that, i told him no! he got upset! He needs to learn. but he wil know! OF couse he s teething! I dont blame him for that.
ALright let me show some pictures
Happy Birthday to you, Tristan!
HEHE, I am getting exciting!
Silly Anthony. he loves paper!
Posted by preciousangels at 9:58 AM 0 comments