Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Visiting friend of mine

Few weeks ago, we went to see our good freind, Julie and Jesus in Connecticut. We had a wonderful time together to meet our sons each others. They had good time together! :) Thanks Julie and Jesus to letting us to crash ur place!! I know Tristan love to play with ur pillows and air mattaers.

Its our first time to meet Little Darion. He is so wonderful and handsome baby!! It s hard to tell who he looks like the most. But i see alot of both of his parents!! Just have to wait alittle bit more when Darion will gets older. Darion seems to look like Jesus. But I see some of Julie's too. Dont feel bad! Same with Tristan. Alot of peeps think Tristan looks like Mommy... but other hand dan. I just found some pictures of dan's. I finally saw some babies pictures of Dan. Now i can see where tristan looks like the most! Its dan! I can see Tristan's check on his lower face from Dan's. I have to scan the picture and show to you all!!!

For Anthony, he looks like me and my brother's when we were babies. I have to look trough the picture albums and scan it to show you too.

I know the time have gone so fast. And my little babies are growing so fast! SLOW DOWN! They are doing great! And smart too! Anthony is sarting to do more push- up more frequeltly. Maybe who knows, that he will be start crawling. I have to clean up more frequeltly before Anthony will start to crawl. It s just so hard cuz we have so many peeps walkin in and out in and out. Just that i have to be more careful around with Anthony on the floor. Sometime I dont see thing on the floor which stuipd dog go into the garaabge to take something and bring to the living room to eat it. I was like u idiot! Thats where the babies will be at! IDIOT dog! What we can do. Just have to clean up more. BLAH! BUT GOTTA TO DO IT then. to be SAFE.

Anyway, while we were at connt. We went to Mystic, Connecticut. We went to see Mystic Aquarium. It was fun to see different aminials. Tristan had a lot of fun sightseeing all the different animals. Tristasn was afraid to touch string ray when they have display in the water tank to see what is string ray and what is it feel like. BOY TRISTAN WAS AFRAID!

We went to see a show a short show of sea lion. It s fun!!! Tristan keep blahing himself and pointing at the sea lions. He likes it. All of us had a great time. We will can do it again then!! :)

Mommy is showing Tritsan the fishes in the tanks.

Anthony is looking at the tank. WHAT AM I LOOKING AT?! (giggles, Ohh the fishy in Anthony's mind)


Hello, my freind!!

We went to see a show, sea-lion show. Tristan really enjoyed it very much! He kept pointing and blahing himself and to us too!

PFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTT! This picture just came out of blue! He s funny!

It s hard to get them the picture together! All of them are getting exciting to see each other and play each other too! :)

"Making a tent, Mama" He had a blast with air bed and the blanket!

Let s do it again sometime soon! We had a great time! :) MISS YOU GUYS!! HUGS HUGS!!


jules said...

haha and we enjoyed your company! we will definitely have to do it again soon! can't wait to see you guys this weekend hopefully!

hugs and cute pictures! *winks*