Saturday, February 18, 2006


Boy, I have been so busy a lot. The boys keep me so busy all the time. Most of the time during the day. During the nighttimes, I got so teird and relax too. Sometime I go to bed early like around 9 30 pm or 10 pm.

The boys -- Tristan and Anthony are getting so big! It 's so much fun with spend time with them and watch them grow too.


I loves him dearly! He is so much fun. Sometime, he can be pain in the butt if he is whinning and grumpy! I hates those. But it s funny to watch him how he acts out. I felt so bad if he gets whinning. I couldn't help him to calm him down when he is not calm down. It s not easy. I have tried my best as I can to help him to relax and tried to give him something which he dont wanted. All he wanted his Mama's love. I just have to hold him to calm him down.

During the nites, some reason, he wake up in the middle of the night, like 1 am. He screamed like crazy! ON and OFF ON and OFF! I dont know why, it could be his teething or the nightmare. We cant get into his mind to see what's the matter! It s not fun part to wake up in them middle of the nite by screaming about ten or twenty mintues. Tristan have other teeth growing on the back of his gum two on upper and two on lower. I can see few more is pushing out his gums. It could be the reason why. I am not sure.

Sometime, he can be jeslous when I was holding Anthony. OF course Tristan wanted my love. AWW! I love him too! I am trying to give him a toy or do his coloring book or watch his favortie shows while I was trying to feed Anthony. That is part is challenge part for me to keep both boys distant to do one thing at the time. But it s fun to learn how to handle and know what to do and etc.

Tristan learned so much words! BOY, he is so SMART!! He knows more than 50 words. I am trying to teach him more singing. But it will takes a while to learn over and over until he understands. Most of the time, he got the picture what we're saying or shows him the pictures in the book. The speech therphy also helped him too with his speech. The lady came to the house twice a week which it s part of program, Early Intervention. It's FREEE!!!!! Thats good thing!

Also, he have been going to audiology every fridays now. He needs to do some hearing test. BOY, he had a fist with different testin'. He will gets used to it when we will go there more often. So far, he have mild hearing loss. 45 dlb. Yesterday, we did his left ear with the earphone. TRistan wont wear his hearing aids. We had the earmold made but it s not arrive yet until other week. We wanted him to get starting with his hearing aids and hear more. Well, yesterday, we did his left ear with the earphone and the result showed his hearing test is 40 dlb. We coudn't do his right ear. he had a fist when we tried to put it on. We gave him a break. We will try other time. He did pretty good to listening the sounds. Yay for Tristan.

Anthony-- BOY! He is getting so big now! He is not little anymore! :( Here the picture of him when he was a newborn baby. SO SMALL!!

Now, he is getting so big. here is the picture of him.

Anthony is doing so well. Now he is only 7 weeks old! BOY The time have been flying by!! SLOW DOWN!! haha
Now he is wearing his diaper. But it s getting to small on him. Only thing that he is wearing staged 2. Soon he will be wearing staged 3. A upper size. For his clothing, he is not wearing his 0-3 months old anymore. He is done with that about three weeks ago. I would say. Now he is wearing 3-6 months clothes. However, if its buttons clothes. I had to open one button out by nearing his neck. BOY HE IS GETTING SO BIG!!

My grandma came over about two weeks ago. She brought the pictures of her and my dad together. She tried to show me the picture that my dad look like Anthony's face. It does! BUT BUT few nite ago, I told my brother Chris while we were eating dinner. Now Anthony looks like Nick who is my other brother. BOY his face might be changing. But he is so handsome baby! I started to noticed that Anthony's eyes starting to change color from brown/green to green/blue. My mom said last night to me that his eyes is blue! I said, it s green! Now dan this morning said, it s blue. I think it s only the reason 'cuz teh sunlight was directing into his eyes. I think it could be effect the color chaning. WHO KNOW!! We will just wait and see then.

I took the pictures of Tristan and Anthoy together. HOW CUTIE IS IT!!

Last weekend, we were playing around with the carmea. It came out beautiful shot. Here are some pictures.

Here is the picture of me and sons!

Last sunday, we had a blizzard. We have over two feet of snow!! Tristan wanna to go outside so badly. He was so whinning and wanna to be his Dada and GaGA (grandpa)
I dressed him up with his snowsuits and keep him warm. I took him outside. Dan and my Dad were trying to fix the snowplow. I forget what is called. it s machine to plow out the snow in the driveway. It was not working. The boys were fixing it. Tritan like to be with them. here is the pictures of Tristan and Dan!

And for my love, Dan is doing so good. He have been so busy himself as well. He works in the city. It is not that easy for all of us to not seeing him as much. He don't wanted to works in the city anymore. Because he dont wanted to miss our sons growing and wanna to spend time with the boys and be part of their lives. Also, the transportion cost is killin' us. It is very challenge part for all of us. About two weeks ago, I was looking online for jobs both of us. Just looking around. I saw the post that near by us for Dan's postion. I told him send the resume to them. So, he did! Few days later, the company, M.G McLaren Engineering Group called him up for intereview. He went for interview. He likes it better 'cuz it s closer to home and the benefits is much much much better than in the city! In the city dont pay overtime for dan's, which it s suck! The new job do pay overtime! WE NEEDS THAT! And the vacations benefits and the health insurance is much better. Of course, dan will be part of it for free. For family.... we only have to pay $200 a month. In the city, FORGET IT! it like $700 a month. WE couldn't do that. I felt it s way too much. I am so happy for dan took the oppourity to went for interview and I found it for him! Thank for the LORD!
About a few days after, the guy from the company, Mclaren called and informed Dan that he is hired for the company! He is so happy and relief too! Of course, all of us are happy for him!! Meanwhile, the job in the city was noticed that Dan is leaving cuz he gave a letter to his boss that he will be leaving in two weeks. The boss and co-workers took suprise shocking! But they understood the situation of the cost and etc. Howeever, they dont wanted Dan to leave the company. they love him and his works too. His boss gave him a offer. It s good offer. But it s not worth to stay in the city to spend the transportion and not seeing us as much. And that company is not widespread business. McLaren is! Its well-know! If we moves to CT, Maryland, Fl. We can do that, if we wanted to. that's would be later on! WHO KNOW!

So Dan will be start working in the end of the month. He is so exciting for that and comes home too on time to see all of us. And spend time with tristan which Tristan will go to bed after 730 or 8pm without seeing his DADA! haahha Now he will be seeing his DADA before he will go to bed!

ON valentine day's dan gave me a big big FLOWERS It s so beauitufl! He gave my mom flowers too. My mom took it so suprising! here is the picture of the flower! BEAUITFUL!

Hope you enjoy a long, a looonng stories what's happening with us! And enjoy the pictues too! hahahah Tristan came up to me dancing with Dan's headphone!! OH GOSH HE is listening to his favorties show, HI-5 from discovery show! his favorite song is on! That s song gave me a recording music in my head!! i have that song in my head for two weeks! It s so much fun to dance with him and sing with him! "three wishes what would that be!! Three wishes one, two, three, three wishes!!" hahaha

Enjoy your day!